Kids Patrol Oakey Academy Philosophy

At Kids Patrol Oakey Academy the early years are the most critical stage of a child’s development and we have a responsibility as Early Learning Educators to enhance their knowledge and growth during their time with us. This is the time where foundations are laid for future health, learning and wellbeing. It is in these first five years of their life that they will learn and develop fundamental skills, such as walking, talking, identifying letters, words, colours, shapes and more. Children are more likely to learn when they feel safe and comfortable, therefore your child’s education needs to be provided in a safe and positive learning environment.


That children should be provided with an educational, safe, healthy, caring, stimulating and family-oriented environment, which reflects the warm nurturing and friendly atmosphere of home.


Kids Patrol will endeavour to get to know your child and the most efficient ways in which they learn. Play based learning for exploration of the world for your child. Children use play to make meaning and connections. A play-based learning approach means that your child will learn and develop an array of skills at their own pace and through their own interests. At Kids Patrol Oakey Academy, we believe that children learn and develop most efficiently through their play and social interactions.

The Early Years Learning Framework is Australia’s national curriculum framework for early childhood education. It focuses on your child developing a sense of belonging, being and becoming through five learning outcomes.


Belonging is the basis for living a fulfilling life. Children feel they belong because of the relationships they have with their family, community, culture and place.

Being is about living here and now. Childhood is a special time in life and children need time to just ‘be’, time to play, try new things and have fun.

Becoming is about the learning and development that young children experience. Children start to form their sense of identity from an early age, which shapes the type of adult they will become. At Kids Patrol we take a holistic approach to early education. Every step of the learning journey is important, and we strive to help children grow and learn through play and exploration; as well as, through interactions with their peers and educators around them.


Kids Patrol Oakey Academy believes that children should be treated with equality, and their cultural and linguistic diversity embraced and acknowledged. Educators will model inclusive practices and engender an atmosphere of acceptance between all, deterring biased or unfair behaviour. All children and their families at Kids Patrol will feel valued and respected for who they are and their beliefs. Kids Patrol adapts an open-door policy which aims to facilitate an open flow of communication while maintaining confidentiality and respect of the privacy and wishes of each family, resulting in the highest levels of education. We believe that early childhood is a festivity of learning and honour of diversity that when valued and nurtured appropriately, fosters individuals that can positively contribute to their community and the greater society.